Tuesday, May 15, 2018

of 'mine' for 'you' !!!

Hey all,

 Chasing the passion never seemed as a work or one never have to work on it. If it is for real, one actually lives in it.

 Scribbling the mind-goings always made me happy or more even complete. The idea was actually to start a Facebook or Instagram page but it was then suddenly something stroke of being starting a blog of your own which seems much more professional than the earlier idea. So, this will be of my mind-goings, my thoughts, my stories, everything of my concept and is therefore completely  MINE !!! . But this is sincerely for you, for my beloved readers over there.

  I would have never started this though but my friend doesn't even allows me to breathe but keeps on insisting to do something what I love. Ok, this is an older scene and I never minded her then planning that I will do something later, some other day etc. But it started haunting me like anything since a month and finally this happens now. And therefore, this one, the very first post is completely for you Ms. Kadhija Shamsudhin, for being my best inspiration and for holding me in my fall downs. I love you !!!

  And all my patient readers,
          I really want all of you to continue to be patient with me and 'MINE'. My stock already contains lots and lots of somethings to share with you. I would love to know that you guys are waiting for it too. Hope remains of meeting you soon !!!

-infinite love-




  1. Lots of love always❤

    Wishing the best Bala����

  2. Best wishes dear....go on..we are really waiting for more... :*

  3. Super writing dear... go on.. waiting for more.... all the very best

  4. Loads of love and support Snehu😍😘
